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Start a Virtual Food Drive Fundraiser!

Start an Individual Fundraiser:
Start a Corporate Fundraiser:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Virtual Food Drive?

Unlike a traditional food drive, in which physical non-perishable items are collected and later donated to the Food Bank, a Virtual Food Drive (VFD) is completely organized through online efforts. VFDs allow you to raise funds to support the purchase of food and eliminates the hassle of collecting, lifting, and dropping off physical food items to the Food Bank of South Jersey.

Why are Virtual Food Drives Important?

There is power in a community united! Every $1 donated to the Virtual Food Drive is equivalent to 3 meals. The Food Bank purchases food in bulk quantities, which reduces the amount spent on items and maximizes the impact of each donation received. Right now, 1 in 10 people and 1 in 7 children in South Jersey experience food insecurity. Contributions to the Virtual Food Drive are directed to support nutrition education and feeding programs to increase food security in Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Camden counties.

Which Virtual Food Drive Option Should I Select?

Start an Individual Virtual Food Drive

This option is ideal if you are raising funds as an individual, and not on behalf of a corporation, community group, or organization.

Start a Corporate Virtual Food Drive

This option is ideal for companies or community groups who are fundraising on behalf of an organization.

             After I choose a Virtual Food Drive option, which “Start Fundraising” Option do I Select?

When you choose the “Start Fundraising” option for an Individual or Corporate Virtual Food Drive, you’ll have three options:

  1. “As an Individual”:  Select this option if you do not want your campaign supporters to create their own fundraising pages under your       campaign.
  2. “Join a Team”:  Select this option if you are not creating your own fundraiser but intend to join an existing team as a fundraiser.
  3. “Create a Team”:  Select this option if you are creating a fundraiser and you do want individuals to have the option of creating their own fundraiser that will contribute to your overall fundraising page efforts.
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