JEff Hayman
Philanthropy has followed Jeffrey Hayman and his wife Debbie around wherever they’ve lived and worked. And so has the belief that no child should go to bed hungry.
Jeff has served for many years as a leader in the global insurance industry and currently is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of R&Q Insurance Holdings, a global specialty insurance company focusing on program management and legacy insurance businesses. His leadership positions in the field have taken him around the globe, from the Tokyo to Switzerland and Bermuda to London.
But it’s another executive position that is very close to his heart — the nonprofit charitable foundation Hungry Minds, which he co-founded with his wife. The focus of the organization is on the food security of public-school students, as well as creating new academic opportunities for them through scholarships.
“It’s heartbreaking to think of people, especially children, hungry. We’re a country of great wealth,” Jeff said. “My wife’s driving philanthropic motivation is hunger, and I’ve picked that up from her. I’ve also been very focused on the importance of education.”
Hungry Minds has funded weekend food packs for students and helped reduce school-meal debt for families. The organization also sponsored school pantry programs in Camden and funded a scholarship through the Rowan University Foundation.
The impact of Hungry Minds reinforced Jeff’s interest to volunteer his talents to the Food Bank of South Jersey. So, in 2022, Jeff became a member of FBSJ’s board of directors.
“Joining the Food Bank of South Jersey board was right up our alley,” Jeff said. “We’re dedicated to feeding and educating people and seeing the number of people (FBSJ) serves and reaches, it just seemed to make sense for what we are trying to also achieve for our charity.”